I wanted to let you know that I got the opportunity to be on the Montel Williams Show on Friday, November 16. It all happened quite fast. The producers contacted me on Friday, had a camera crew at my home the next Monday, and flew me to New York City on Wednesday. We taped the show Thursday, featuring a mother of a child recovered from Autism, Dr. Kenneth Bock, a renowned DAN! doctor (DAN! - Defeat Autism Now!), and me. I had the opportunity to share our story and continued efforts to recover our son Myles. The story focused on our personal experience, not the Myles-A-Part Foundation, but the Myles-A-Part website is posted on the Montel site as a reference. Log onto www.montelshow.com and click on The Show, Past Shows. The name of the show was Living A Nightmare: Autism and Tourette's.